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Lewis County Farm Bureau Scholarships

At Lewis County Farm Bureau, we believe in investing in the future of our community. That's why we offer annual scholarships to support students pursuing post-secondary education, whether at a trade school, 2-year, or 4-year institution.

We budget for scholarship dollars each year to award to students who demonstrate a commitment to their education and a desire to give back to their communities. 

To apply, simply submit a business-formatted letter of interest (maximum 2 pages) along with the application form. Regular mail is sufficient; there's no need for larger envelopes or certified postage. Applications must be postmarked between February 1 and April 16 to be considered, and students are welcome to reapply in subsequent years.

Send your application to our Scholarship Committee Chair, Zach Zucati:

Lewis County Farm Bureau

c/o Zach Zucati 

1381 Wildwood Rd

Curtis, WA 98538

For any inquiries, please contact Zach Zucati at

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